B5G-OPEN @ ECOC – Workshop on Multi-band

  • September 10, 2022
  • news
  • 423
  • Workshop Description

    Multi-band (MB) expands the available capacity of optical fibres beyond traditional C and/or C+L bands by enabling transmission within S, E, and O bands – translating into a potential 10x capacity increase. MB networking raises challenges from both system and network perspectives.

    From the point of view of the former, MB networks require new key components, such as optical amplifiers, transceivers, and possibly MB reconfigurable add/drop multiplexers (MB ROADMs). For the latter, MB networks require an improved modelling of the physical layer, novel algorithms for monitoring and correcting of the nonlinear impairments as well as adapted node and network architectures to fully exploit MB along with the required abstractions for network planning, configuration, and control.

    However, do we have to consider MB networks as simple extensions of traditional C-band networks? For example, how ROADMs look like in MB networks supporting hundreds of wavelengths? Do we need ROADMs with few GHz switching granularity or MB filterless subsystems might be adequate in most of the cases? And from a networking perspective, do we have to consider single domains of transparency or remove boundaries between network domains thus reducing electronic intermediate terminations? How SDN control will evolve to control such end-to-end domain-less architecture?

    This workshop will first present the state-of-the art and future trends of MB devices and technologies. Furthermore, it will discuss when and where MB networks are expected to be introduced first, including the operators’ strategies regarding the adoption of MB networks. Then, the workshop will discuss what the implications of the availability of MB are, including redesign of the end-to-end architecture(s), MB switching technologies and SDN control, beyond traditional approaches.
