Flexible and Scalable Multiband ROADMs

  • January 29, 2025
  • news
  • 13

B5G-OPEN showcases multiband Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs) for metro-aggregation networks. Supporting O-, C-, and L-bands, these nodes enable efficient traffic management and scalable network growth.

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Figure1 : (a) Filterless OADM Node architecture (b) Schematic of the low PDG bulk SOA co-integrated with butt-coupled waveguides. (c) The Mask design. (d) the fabricated chip picture under the microscope with two needles to inject current into the SOA. 

Figure 2: Experimental setup for CD monitoring. (a) GUI of the SDN controller to stablish the optical path. (b) Setup used to perform the experiment with the MB-BVT: The OFDM data are generated, sent through the optical testbed or Fiber spool, amplified, filtered, and then sampled by an oscilloscope. The monitored data are sent to the controller via the SDN agent.